Come to your Senses
Try this the next time you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or desperately in need of quieting your’s such a simple yet powerful practice for encouraging your nervous system to restore itself to harmony.
Take yourself outside.
5 things you can see (cloud, lamb, hills, flowers, grass)
4 things you can hear (wind, cars, footsteps, birds singing)
3 things you can feel (warmth of sun on face, weight of body on ground, wind on skin)
2 things you can smell (fresh air, sweat)
1 thing you can taste (almonds)
If you can get out for a walk in nature, even better. Notice how your footsteps slow down as return to your senses, notice how your heartbeat slows down as you come home to the moment, notice how your thoughts slow down as you begin to rest in reality as it is. It's so simple and so effective. You can even practice in the middle of the night from your bed. The seeing part might be trickier, the hearing part might be more subtle, but you can tune into the soft grace of reality at any moment and bring your mind home to the peaceful presence of the body. Try it and let me know how it goes!